Friday, January 8, 2021

Kids video online



Beauty Baby kids loving

Children are considered as decoration of life not only their parents, but also all surrounding people. Their direct smile, joyful shine of eyes, carelessness and kindness do the world warmer, cozy, colorful. And every baby face pretty special beauty, it is not simply to define the most attractive child. The most beautiful kids are similar to flowers: everyone is in own way unique and charming. In the modern world, very cruel, cold, practical, sometimes only thanks to children, their nice faces adults remember kindness and humanity. What is the beauty of children? The most beautiful children can have gold curls or black "hedgehog" on the head, freckles or swarthy face skin. But adults not pay attention to those features of appearance. The attractiveness of the child is in his smile, sparkling look, laughter, or thoughtfulness. Children, first of all, differ in internal beauty. To a certain age they are honest and direct, see life objectively, not through the prism of their experience. Beauty of children is expressed in their behavior, congenital nobility, kindness to all world around. Unless the kid who attentively considers a bug or feels sorry for a sick kitten can not touch? A child can really be glad and rejoice, be offended or angry. His feelings are sincere, as the very delightful nature. Therefore, for adults there are also no unattractive children even if they sometimes behave whimsically. Children in the adult world Each child is attractive, especially to his parents. And still there are most beautiful children whose appearance is already recognized thanks to photos in various magazines, to advertising, shootings at cinema. Their faces are familiar to many and they even become a kind of canon of children's beauty. It is interesting that small models and in front of the camera behave naturally, don't pretend, don't put on themselves adult masks. Therefore, they are delightful and similar to pure angels. And the task of adults is to make so that children could radiate purity, tenderness, a spontaneity further. And adult task is to do everything possible to the most beautiful children continued to radiate purity, tenderness, spontaneity. Perhaps with age features of children, known for its beauty, change, and they will become unremarkable adults. But now every child, which is presented in this innocuous photo galleries is pretty children of the world, is unique, charming, reminiscent of the heroes of fairy tales. Pretty kids once again remind everyone what master and the artist is the nature creating perfection. Earth is beautiful and versatile, it is home to a multitude of people of very different nationalities. This photo galleries represented 50 different pictures of pretty children from different corners of the world. Most Beautiful Children in the World (55 Photos)   Commonwealth of Independent States Russian girl

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Kids loving (Fun)

 Activities Anyone Can Enjoy With Children Edited By: Tony A. Add to Favorites A+ A- ShareJoin Us People say being with kids is hard work, but I don’t think it necessarily has to be. There are many important ways you can teach children how to be creative, sociable and healthy through simple play. What’s more, you don’t have to be an energetic, bouncy 19-year-old to play with youngsters. Here are 21 activities that anyone of any age can do to give their little darlings the boost they need so they can be the best they can be. Any children who try these activities will experience tremendous improvements in their motor skills, social skills, creativity and health:  

21 Activities Anyone Can Enjoy With Children Edited By: Tony A. Add to Favorites A+ A- ShareJoin Us People say being with kids is hard work, but I don’t think it necessarily has to be. There are many important ways you can teach children how to be creative, sociable and healthy through simple play. What’s more, you don’t have to be an energetic, bouncy 19-year-old to play with youngsters. Here are 21 activities that anyone of any age can do to give their little darlings the boost they need so they can be the best they can be. Any children who try these activities will experience tremendous improvements in their motor skills, social skills, creativity and health:

21 Activities Anyone Can Enjoy With Children Edited By: Tony A. Add to Favorites A+ A- ShareJoin Us People say being with kids is hard work, but I don’t think it necessarily has to be. There are many important ways you can teach children how to be creative, sociable and healthy through simple play. What’s more, you don’t have to be an energetic, bouncy 19-year-old to play with youngsters. Here are 21 activities that anyone of any age can do to give their little darlings the boost they need so they can be the best they can be. Any children who try these activities will experience tremendous improvements in their motor skills, social skills, creativity and health:  

Baby/Baba kids enjoying

 Your child has gone from tiny newborn to curious infant, reaching out and exploring his or her surroundings. That curiosity and readiness to learn will continue as your baby becomes more mobile during these next few months.

What Is My Baby Learning?

Your little one will make great strides in learning. Play will take on a new dimension as language emerges. During these next few months, your baby's babbling will start to morph into words like "mama," "dada," and "baba." These will emerge randomly at first, but your baby will soon learn to associate them with mom, dad, and bottle.

Your baby will begin to follow simple commands like "give me the toy" and understand "no!" He or she will use gestures, like pointing and waving "bye-bye."

Your child can move around more and is interested in exploring. Babies learn to crawl during this stage. Some will develop other ways of getting around, like creeping on their bellies, scooting on their bottoms, or rolling to where they want to go. It doesn't matter so much how babies get around as long they can move their arms and legs well and coordinate both sides of the body.

Babies also become better at changing positions. They can quickly move from lying to sitting, then pull themselves to stand. Holding on to furniture and or your hand, your infant will take those shaky first steps. Some infants may stand alone or take their first steps without holding on.

As hand–eye coordination improves, your baby will explore objects in greater detail, also learning their functions: you use a brush on your hair, you talk on the phone.

Stranger anxiety and separation anxiety also can start now. Your baby may get upset when a stranger approaches or you try to leave, whether you're going into the next room for a few seconds or leaving your child with a sitter for the evening. Your baby may cry, cling to you, and resist attention from others. This is normal in this stage of development. It might increase in the next few months, then slowly ease as your child learns that the separation from you isn't permanent.

How Can I Help My Baby Learn?

Your baby's ability to get around and never-ending curiosity boost learning now. So give your baby chances to safely explore. Your baby may enjoy playing with egg cartons, blocks, balls, stacking toys, and push-pull toys. When your baby is in the bath, provide squeeze toys and cups and containers to splash around with.


Kids video online 👭